Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Research Paper on Spina Bifida Essay

There are many diseases in the world that affect the human body. In many cases people do not care or don’t become aware of all the diseases that can be harmful and possibly put their lives at risk. There is a great list of diseases that can impact our lives. For example, one of the diseases that I found to be sadly life changing is the Spina Bifida. Even though, the outlook for children with spina bifida has changed dramatically over the years; a study has shown that with appropriate medical care about 75% of children born with the most severe form of spina bifida will most likely live until their early adult years. What exactly is a spina bifida? Well it occurs when the fetus is growing in the womb and its spine doesn’t form correctly. Some of the bones in the spine don’t close to make their normal ring shapes around the spinal cord, and the opening that results causes one of these types of spina bifida: spina bifida occulta and spina bifida cystica- meningocele and myelomeningocele. The spina bifida occulta is a tiny opening that usually causes mild or no symptoms. Whereas, the spina bifida cystica-meningocele is a big enough opening so that some of the membrane surrounding the spinal cord sticks out through the opening. However, the most serious kind, in which some of the spinal cord itself sticks out through the opening in the spine is the spina bifida cystica-myelomeningocele. Some of the symptoms of this disease varies and depends on where along the spine the opening occurred or which type of spina bifida has occurred. Not only that, children born with spina bifida may have other nervous system disorders such as hydrocephalus or Chiari malformation. This disease occurs more frequently among Hispanics and whites of European extraction, and less commonly among Asians and African-Americans. About 95% of babies born with spina bifida have no family history of it. However, if a mother has a child with spina bifida, the risk of it happening again in a pregnancy is greatly increased. One of the reasons of this disease happens because of the deficiency of folic acid during the pregnancy stage. Although, the FDA mandated that all enriched cereal grain products be fortified with folic acid to help reduce the chance of spina bifida from happening. There are still some issues about adding folic acid to foods. The treatment for this disease consists of managing the symptoms that the person has, such as difficulty standing, walking, or urinating. Some people will be able to walk with crutches or leg braces; others may need a wheelchair to get around. However, children and adults with myelomeningocele have the most medical complications and need the most medical care. Even though, there is no complete cure spina bifida. The opening in the spine can be closed surgically either before or after birth, and this could reduce its effects on the body. Overall, spina bifida is the most common birth defect that affects a lot of newborns in the United States and other parts of the world.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

The Mbuti Tribe

Ashley Jones ANT 101: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology March 04, 2012 Introduction The way of life in a distant African rainforest where harsh climate and availability of resources were common, the Mbuti tribe were foraging society that hunt and gather and live in a band of 10-50 people. Their environment influenced their modes of subsistence, cultural aspects and lifestyle in a deep-seated system. A culture normally describes a method of concepts, outlook, beliefs and language, which examines the way of life of a specific group of people with similar interests.The cultural system defines and forms necessary activities, views, opinions and interactions among people and their cultures, as well as their surrounding. The central African Mbuti or Bambuti tribe comprised an indigenous people who live within and on the border of the Congo basin rainforest in the Central African Republic of Congo. Their language falls into a classification of the Nilo-Saharan phylum. These groups of in digenous people, primarily settles in the Ituri forest. The forest is a component of a vast tropical rainforest within the Congo basin.This region receives higher precipitations each year, ranges between 50-70 inches amount of rain. The long duration of rain are interrupted by short periods of dry season for two months. The region is wet and humid all year round, and has various lakes and rivers. The community experienced difficulties such as diseases, which is prevalent due to humidity and plenty of rain that contributes to the scarcity of their food supplies. The rapid spread of diseases claims people and animals, and as well as shortage of food.Tsetse flies limit the breeding of large animals, which causes sleeping sickness. The inhabitants of the Bambuti tribe is roughly 30-40 thousand people. The Mbuti were the oldest inhabitants of the central African region. The Ituri is a rainforest and does not produced adequate food all year to support the Mbuti tribe. The Mbuti are hunter s and gatherers. They believed that the forest is everything to them. They consider it as their God, parent, and provider. They perceived themselves as the children of the forest (Mosko,1987).According to Mosko, all other tribes that were not Mbuti live outside of the Ituri forest. The Mbuti do not practice any recognized type of kinship patterns in their social organization (Mosko,1987). There are recognitions of kinship in some practices; for instance, in rules of exogamous marriage or when setting up camp. The huts are laid out according to patrilineage, for mutual support, but no acknowledgement of kinship is given (Mosko,1987). The Mbuti hunt and gather resources such as meat, honey, fruits, nuts and mushrooms in the forest.They trade either labor or wild resources from their hunting and gathering for products from horticulturalist societies to supplement their diets (Bailey, Head, Jenke, Owen, Rechtman and Zechenter, 1989). And in return, the Bambuti receives agricultural food s, salt, cloth, pots, pans, axes and blades, and other items not available in the forest. Mainly, the subsistence occupation of men consists of hunting animals and gathering wild honey. Like the other foraging societies, the Mbuti were very close to nature.The Mbuti believed that the forest is their God, and possessed all the qualities of a god, parent, and partner (Mosko,1987). They believed that all living things have a spirit and are equal (Mosko,1987). The Mbuti considered their tribe as one family and they are all related biologically, to some extent. They call each other by names of close family members; if they are the same age, they call each other brothers and sisters (Mosko,1987). The older people are called Father or Mother and the elders are described as grandparents.Aside from the nuclear family settling in the same hut, there is small number of areas in which the tribe expressed acknowledgement of biological kinship. This is contrary to most foraging societies, where k inship system are the bases of social structure (Nowak & Laird, 2010). The bands relocate from one place to another in search for resources. Cooperation is also a valuable asset, since hunting and gathering is a cooperative effort. More common to foragers is the belief in the spirituality of nature (Nowak & Laird, 2010).Infectious disease in the forest lived on plants. Diseases are scarce enough that the community cannot create immunity. Malnutrition is uncommon and if found, it is mild (Fabrega, 1997). Hunter gatherers normally benefit from healthy diet. Sickness is usually a spiritual problem (Fabrega, 1997). The Mbuti considers the Ituri forest has a center. The round huts, in which the Mbuti nuclear families live, has a center or sphere. They store foods in a round shaped baskets. The arrangement of the family hut is a smaller depiction of the organization of the Mbuti tribe.The place of each band camps form a sphere, with the forest in its center. The Mbuti have an uncommon out look of kinship and lineage, which are usually a determining factors in the social structures of other foraging societies, as well as horticulturist (Nowak & Laird, 2010). The Mbuti community do not know their lineage, which is evidenced in the way the camps are each laid out (Mosko, 1987). Marriage is exogamous to the band to which a person lives. They cannot marry their kin because all are biologically related, that’s why they produced an exception to the kinship policy.Living elders who recognized the common ancestors of the band involved, then they are related. However, if the ancestors are no longer living before the living elders recognized them, then the band becomes unrelated. This rule permits the Mbuti community to preserve their rules against marrying relatives and outside marriages. The Mbutis are separated into age groups. Age together with knowledge is important. The elders have the most knowledge, which gives them the authority. However, their authority can som etimes over-rule by the younger adults.Because they all have the same parent which is the forest, and do not cooperate with any kinship organization because they are all equivalent. The Mbuti lives mainly in the Ituri forest, it is their God and parent. All foraging societies have a special reverence for nature (Nowak & Laird, 2010). Hunting and gathering bring the tribe together and makes them closer to nature. They respect the forest and nature. Ownership have no importance because of their way of life, they move from one place to another. Personal traits and cooperative attitude are more important (Nowak & Laird, 2010).They have a healthy selection of food, which helps them to fight diseases. Each feature of their way of life is nature-oriented and it all points out to their environment. The Mbuti is a complete culture that supports each portion of its survival on the forest, which is the cause for the subsistence technique from which they exist. References Bailey, R. C. , Head, G. , Jenike, M. , Owen, B. , Rechtman, R. , & Zechenter, E. (1989). Hunting and gathering in tropical rainforest: Is it possible? American Anthropologist. New series 91(1) pp. 59-82. Retrieved from http://www. jstor. rg/stable/649276. Fabrega, H. Jr. (1997). Earliest phases in the evolution of sickness and healing. Medical Anthropology Quarterly. New series 11(1) pp. 26-55. Retrieved from http://www. jstor. org/stable/649276. Mosko, M. S. (1997). The symbols of â€Å"Forest†: A structural analysis of Mbuti culture and Social organization. American Anthropologist. New series 89(4) pp. 896-913. Retrieved from http://www. jstor. org/stable/677863. Nowak, B. , & Laird, P. (2010). Cultural Anthropology. San Diego, CA. Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Retrieved from https://content. ashford. edu/books.

Factors Affecting Democratization

This time period witnessed the collapse of over 30 authoritarian regimes in Europe, Asia, and Latin America which then made the transition to democracy and were characterized mainly by one party systems. Nations that undergo the translation to a democratic form of government usually display three particular characteristics: a high level of economic development, a highly educated public, and a large middle class.The second table, below Huntington, provides the literacy rates, Gaps, and life expectancies of five imaginary countries. Of these five countries, D and E are the most likely to democratic and hey are also the most likely to consolidate democracy because they possess the three main characteristics of democratic countries. Huntington provides a chart, on page 62 of his work, In which countries are classified according to their GNP In 1 976 In relation to the type of government they possessed in 1974.It also shows whether the countries democratic or liberalized between 1974 and 1989, or whether they maintained their non-democratic regimes throughout those years. The chart below Huntington provides the literacy rate, GAP per capita, and life expectancy of five imaginary countries. The characteristics provided on the second graph are critical to understanding each Individual country potential towards becoming democracies and their ability to consolidate democracy.The first characteristic of the chart is the literacy rate of the five countries, which is an excellent indicator of the overall level of education the countries. A highly educated public is a crucial factor in the transition to democracy, and political scientist Mitchell Gilson argued that in Latin America the thresholds that made democracy possible were both a GNP of $250 and a literacy rate of over fifty percent. This demonstrates that a countries literacy rate Is almost as Important as the level of economic development of a country In demagnification.Between 1960 and 1981 many more people began attending secondary schools to improve their educations. It has been proven that highly educated people tend to develop the characteristics of trust, satisfaction, and competence which form the civic cultural attitudes necessary in a democracy (Huntington, 69). Without an educated public, it is very difficult for democracies to survive. Thus, a high literacy rate provides evidence of a highly cattle puddle, wanly Is also positively oscillate Witt democracy.In Alton, a high literacy rate also provides evidence that a particular nation possesses a large middle class, which is often a product of industrialization and economic growth. The presence of a large middle class is another one of the most important factors of demagnification. Due to the fact that democracies often rely on a system of majority rule, a middle class is necessary in order to accurately represent the wishes of the populace. In addition, it is the middle class which strives to achieve their objectives.In virtually ev ery country the most active supporters of demagnification came from the urban middle class,[l]† and it was this group which led the third wave movements for demagnification. For example, in the Philippines, the middle class, comprised of professionals and business people, encouraged and actively participated in the demonstrations in 1984 against the oppressive regime of Ferdinand Marco's. It is clear that â€Å"When tear gas meets the middle class†¦ Tear gas loses. 2]† A large middle class is crucial in the transition to democracy because they are the people who lead the demonstrations, rallies, and protests calling for an end o authoritarian regimes and the transition to a democratic form of government. The literacy rates of the five countries suggest that countries A and C most likely have a very small middle class and only a small percentage of the overall population is highly educated, country Bi's literacy rate was unavailable, and that countries D and E have both a highly educated population and a large middle class.The second characteristic of the chart is the GAP per capita of the five countries. The gross domestic product (GAP), the gross national product minus the net income earned abroad, tells us the economic development and status of each particular nation. A higher GAP per capita is found in wealthy, economically advanced countries such as Switzerland which has a per capita income of $21 ,330. Conversely, a lower GAP is found in poorer countries such as Ethiopia with a per capita income of $130 (Huntington, 60).Undoubtedly, there exists a positive relationship between economic development and demagnification. Huntington claims that the nations most likely to undergo a transition to democracy are those characterized as â€Å"middle- income† countries. The correlation between wealth and democracy implies that transitions to democracy should occur primarily in countries at the middle levels of economic development. In poor c ountries demagnification is unlikely; in rich countries it has already occurred. 3]† Thus the GAP per capita of country D shows that it is the only country out of the five which is in the middle income range which Huntington claims possesses the most potential to make the transition to democracy, while countries A, B, C, and E are in the lower income range and less likely to make the transition to democracy. The third characteristic on the chart is the life expectancy, which is another important factor because it helps determine the level of technology of a nation.Countries with high life expectancies are more technologically advanced than those with lower life expectancies due to above average health care systems, medications and vaccines, and competent doctors. Most wealthy countries tend to have higher levels of technology than poorer countries, and most wealthy countries are democracies. â€Å"Most wealthy countries are democratic and most democratic countries – In dia is the most dramatic exception – are wealthy. [4]† As such, a higher life expectancy is also associated with democracy. Entrees A, c, Ana nave ten tenure lowest Tie expectancies wanly demonstrates Tanat they are the least technologically advanced. Country D has the second highest life expectancy, but based on life expectancy alone, country B would be the most technologically advanced of all the countries because it has the highest life The literacy rate, GAP, and life expectancy are three vital statistics in expectancy. Formulating a hypothesis as to the level of education, level of economic development, and level of technology that a country possesses and help in determining the type of government of a particular country.From these characteristics it is possible to infer that the countries least likely to democratic would be countries A and C, country B has somewhat a chance of demonstrating, depending on its literacy rate, and countries D and E would be the most l ikely to democratic. Countries A and C have the lowest literacy rates, Gaps, and life expectancies of the entire group and as such lack the high level of economic development, highly educated public, and large middle class which are almost always present in countries making the transition to democracy.The lack of an educated population and large middle class shows that it loud be extremely difficult to establish a democracy in these nations because the people, for the most part, would be unable to participate or take an active role in their governments. Country B would most likely remain whatever government, most likely authoritarian, that it currently was because of its decent GAP and because it has the highest life expectancy of the group.The high life expectancy suggests that the people are living relatively well, and as such, they would most likely not attempt to undermine their current regime. However, country E would most likely emaciation, and country D is the most likely to democratic out of the entire group. The reason that countries E and D are the most likely to democratic is because they possess the highest literacy rates (68 % and 78 % respectively), highest Gaps per capita ($700 and $1600), and good life expectancies (46 and 48 years).Both countries possess the characteristics common to democracies: high levels of economic development, a highly educated public, and a large middle class which is why they are the countries which would undergo the transition from a non democratic form of government to a democratic form of government. Country D is the most probable, out of the five countries, to democratic because it is precisely in the middle income range which Huntington believes leads to the demagnification of a nation.He proves his assertion in his chart which shows that the highest percentage of countries to democratic or liberalize between 1974 and 1989 did in fact occur in countries with per capita GNP in the $1000 – $3000 range (the mi ddle income range). In fact, 76 percent of countries in the middle income range democratic or liberalized, while poorer nations with per capita GNP of $250-$1000 such as countries A, B, C, and E) experienced only a 29 percent transition rate.Therefore, countries A and C are the least likely to democratic, B is somewhat likely to democratic, and E and D have the highest probability of demonstrating. Furthermore, supposing that all five nations have experienced a transition to democracy and have established a democratic regime, countries A, B, and C would be the least likely to consolidate democracy while countries E and D would be the most likely to consolidate their newly emerged democratic regimes. Political scientistAdam Paperwork's claimed that â€Å"Democracy is consolidated when under given political Ana economic contraltos a particular system AT Institutions Decodes ten only game in town, when no one can imagine acting outside the democratic institutions, when all losers want to do is to try again within the same institutions under which they have Just lost. [5]† It could be argued that countries A, B, and C have such low literacy rates, and Gaps that their situation could only get better; however, they do not have the resources (both economically and population-wise) to maintain or strengthen their new found democracies.Out of the five nations, countries E and D are the most economically developed which means they are the least likely to experience an economic crisis which could potentially undermine their regimes. The fact that they are the least likely to experience an economic crisis is extremely important, because economic crises were one of the main reasons that countries converted from non-democratic governments to democratic forms of government in the third wave of demagnification. In the third wave, the combination of substantial levels of economic development and short-term economic rises or failure was the economic formula most favorabl e to the transition from authoritarian to democratic government. [6]† Country E and Ad's educated middle class will actively work to maintain, improve, and strengthen the democratic system which gives them their freedoms and opportunities.Those two countries have the most potential and the most resources available at their disposal to maintain and strengthen their democracies. Therefore, due to their superior economic development, abundant resources, and the existence of an educated, middle class, countries E and D are by far the most likely to consolidate democracy. The third wave of demagnification witnessed the transition of over 30 countries to democratic forms of government, predominantly due to the economies of those countries.The countries most likely to establish a democratic regime are those which display a high level of economic development, a highly educated public, and a large middle class. These factors are crucial to demagnification. Countries A, B, and C are the least likely to democratic and consolidate demagnification because of their low literacy rates and lack of abundant resources. As time progresses and their literacy rates and Gaps increase, they may eventually enter the â€Å"middle income† range which is so conducive to democracy.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 9

Strategic Management - Essay Example Ryanair is an affordable air travel service provider that gives customers the option of using a high quality air flight service for medium and short-haul across many locations across European destinations. It commenced service as a normal airliner operating out of Ireland competing with Aer Lingus in 1985.However by 1990, having suffered heavy losses and changing five chief executives. The sixth and the current incumbent Michael O’Leary decided to follow the pattern for low cost flyers set by Southwest Airlines of USA. He was right in his assessment of the market and diagnosed correctly that this was the way to survive and succeed. Ever since its inception in 1971 Southwest Airlines has been a star. It has never suffered a loss, even during the turbulent years when almost 40% of the US Airlines either applied for bankruptcy for survival or became defunct. It is a low cost/low fare carrier that depends on its low fares, short hauls and the shortest turnaround times. The fares are at least 30% below its competition, maximum flight time is 60-90 minutes between two points, and shortest ground time that is routinely 24-27 minutes between landings and takes off of an aircraft. Fundamentally the change brought about by O’Leary has transformed the company and put it in an aggressive mode. It has not only made the competition sit up but to emulate its practices. Ryanair successfully applied all the criteria that were innovatively designed and adopted by Southwest and O’Leary has no hesitation in stating that they are his ideals too. However, Ryanair has fallen short on imitating Southwest specially in the Human Relations department where they still face some issues now and then unlike Southwest where this department is handled in an exemplary manner and where the employee is King. Ryanair appears to have a confrontist attitude and is in always some conflict or the other be it with authorities;

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Registration Statement (form s-1) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Registration Statement (form s-1) - Essay Example From this perspective, the registration statement form successfully takes an enterprise â€Å"off the shelf† and into a certain market officially (Miller 506). When the Security Act of 1933 takes a business off the shelf, it normally offers them a base prospectus and supplement for a deeper understanding of public trading. Even though the goal of the 1933 Security Act was to allow a prospective procurement, it is not realized all the time. I believe this unsuccessful aspect of the law is brought about by the complicated nature of the registration statement. A business needs to be able to make a logical deduction bent on reliable data, which registration requirements included in the registration statement form often constraint. For instance, an issuer might be unwilling to engage true weaknesses in an activity. As a result, he or she uses the complicated registration statement form to delay the process while adhering to the law theoretically (Miller

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Course reveiw Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Course reveiw - Coursework Example The three objectives are, to increase brand loyalty, this targets customer’s interests in the produced product, and can increase customer’s reliability where they are able to purchase the same product over and over. For branding to be successful, it must assist in promotion, by conducting adverts, personal selling, this works like sales and marketing, they are all done by the use of the brand name. The two mentioned objectives help increase status and prestige of the producer, distributors to the customers and this flourishes the business. Introduction Stage  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ a company or business comes up with ways of attracting customers either through adverts or sales and must be committed so as to outdo their competitors. Growth Stage  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ this stage targets expansion of sales and pricing with an aim of making profits, with time, the businesses invest more money in the promotion activities to increase the potential of this stage. Maturity Stage  Ã¢â‚¬â€œthis is the most competitive time for most products and businesses need to invest in any marketing they undertake. There is need to consider any product modifications or improvements to the production process that might give bring a competitive advantage. Decline Stage  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ this stage is inevitable to any type of business and reflects shrinking due to the market becoming saturated or because the consumers are changing to different types of products, but it is possible that companies will make profits by lowering their prices (Mohr, Sengupta & Slater, 2010 ). Bundle pricing common in supermarkets, where promotions are given, if one buys something, they are given another for free. Competition pricing some firms offers a price services that resembles service to what their competitors are offering so as to beat the competition in terms of customers. Skimming pricing a company tends to reduce the price for over 5 years,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Macroeconomic Policies Used by the Federal Reserve Essay - 5

Macroeconomic Policies Used by the Federal Reserve - Essay Example The alternative strategy actions that were set up intended to put more pressure towards the long-term interest rate achievement and to ensure that the overall monetary conditions of the country become improved. This includes bolstering the prices for residential properties and corporate equities (Kashyap & Stein, 2012, p. 266). Â  The Federal Reserve’s adoption of the open market operations involves buying of existing Treasury securities by the Federal Reserve in the secondary market (Bauer & Rudebusch, 2014, p. 234). The secondary markets are securities that have already been obtained and sold off to private investors. When buying the securities, the Federal Reserve ensures it does so but under the equivalence of an existing currency. This expands the Federal Reserve’s base and at the same time increases the ability of depository financial institutions to provide loans as well as expand their existing credit facilities (Bauer & Rudebusch, 2014, p. 234). Â  Normal open market operations involve functions are typically carried out through repurchasing agreements (D’Amico & King, 2013, p. 426). If the Federal Reserve wishes to remove liquidity or add the same liquidity during the normalization period. Repos, also known as repurchase agreements are contracts signed between two or more parties to purchase securities and then repurchase the same securities at a future date and price (D’Amico & King, 2013, p. 425). Repos are considered as an economic equivalent to a collateralized loan. Differences between the first and second transactions determine the interest rates accrued on the loan (Bauer & Rudebusch, 2014, p. 235). Â  

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Control Mechanisms Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Control Mechanisms Paper - Essay Example According to Long et al (n.d.): "Managers within bureaucratic control systems use primarily rules and regulations, hierarchical lines of authority, and job specifications to direct subordinates in their tasks". Certain premises of the decisions on these matters are to be supplied in advance in the form of general rules or standards, and compliance with these standards is to be enforced by centralized units. All decisions for which standards have been prescribed are cleared with or reviewed by the appropriate centralized unit to assure compliance. One way of meeting control problems of this kind is to assign to specialized administrative units in their particular area of specialization. A central office enforces the rules relating to the hiring, pay, promotion, and dismissal of personnel throughout the entire organization. The College School System determines special rules and standards in order to create a unified system of education and maintain high level of service delivery (Medei ros, Barbosa, n.d.). Also, the College School System uses some elements of clan and market mechanisms which help it to survive. Following Long et al (n.d): "Managers within clan control systems place relatively greater emphasis on the development and actualization of common values, traditions, and beliefs". The College School System follows educational values and traditions which have a great impact on its decision-making and performance. These traditions involve equal treatment of all students and high level of education, programs and activities based on human-centered approach and Christian morality. In some cases, The College School System can be seen in terms of market control mechanism when: 'managers make decisions based on price considerations" (Long et al n.d.). Many private schools are driven by this control mechanism which helps them to maintain high level of education and services. The main advantage of bureaucratic control mechanism is structure of control procedure. Control is exercised through the executive hierarchy itself. The main limitation (negative consequences) of clan and market control mechanisms is that the executive hierarchy itself does not know and cannot be expected to know enough about all the many areas of an organization's activities to make sure that all these activities are being conducted according to the expressed wishes of those higher up in the organization, the chief executive, the legislature, or the public. The chain of accountability is maintained by assigning different parts of the review process to centralized units whose personnel then become specialists in securing high standards in their respective fields. The effectiveness of clan mechanism can be explained by the fact that "the traditions and norms that clan system managers use to affect subordinate behaviors are best applied before tasks are commenced" (Long et al, n.d.). T he effectiveness of market control is explained by output control targets which allows the organization evaluate the work when it completes. The bureaucratic control mechanism determines the structure of four functions of management based on hierarchical relations. All functions and decision-making are closely connected with each other following strict rules and procedures. An important element is the mechanism employed to see that the policies laid down by the body and the top executives are carried out by the

British Petroleum and its Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

British Petroleum and its Operations - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that British Petroleum, which is also referred to as BP PLC is a British international Gas and Oil Company, which its headquarters stationed in London, England. Based on the revenue statistics released in 2012, British Petroleum is the fifth largest Oil and Gas Company in the world. It deals with the exploration, production, transportation, refining, marketing, distribution and trading of oil and petroleum products. It also deals with power generation, research, and exploration of renewable energy sources such as wind energy, solar energy and biofuels. Petroleum helps provide oil-based fuels for machines, lubricants and petroleum products used in infrastructure development, making plastics, gas, and petrochemicals among other products. BP America forms the largest British Petroleum subsidiary. The company also owns nineteen percent stake in Rosneft, which is a Russian Oil Company that is the most publicly traded in the Oil and Gas sector of the stocks exchange. British Petroleum’s market capitalization is an excess of eighty-five billion pounds and makes the fourth largest company listed on the London Stock Exchange. The company is headed by a board, which is responsible for oversight and guidance of the company in the interests of the shareholders. The company’s executive management has several branches that include, Finance, Refining and Marketing, Exploration, Safety and Operational Risk, Production, Strategy and Regions, Corporate Business Activities, Human Resources, and the Upstream department. Various subsidiaries have leaders who report to the main offices in London. There are various external factors that can affect British Petroleum’s success. These include the global economy, natural environment, wars, politics, currency devaluation, infrastructure, customers and the relationship between the company and the local communities. The most important external factors that can affect the compa ny’s success are the global economy and the natural environment. The global economy has a strong influence on the success of British Petroleum as seen during the recession in 2008 when the company recorded falling profits. The profits had declined from eight billion dollars to three dollars. If the recession continued the company would have started to make losses, which would affect its success negatively.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Financial Management Master Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Financial Management Master - Case Study Example It prides itself in the following retail brands: B&Q; Castorama; Brico Depot and Screwfix. Progressively, the company has been faring pretty well over the years, consequently scooping a pre-tax profit of three hundred and eighty six million pounds generated from a total sale of over nine billion pounds within the first quarter of the 2008 financial year ( Investment will be reprioritized, targeting higher hurdle rates and faster payback periods. A key target is to stabilize debt at current levels, prior to reducing it in due course. A target of flat rate debt has been set for the current year. Greater focus will be placed on generating higher cash returns from the retail businesses. Stretching targets for sales growth, margin improvement and cost reduction will be drawn ( ). With these key priorities it is evidenced that the management of kingfisher are committed to the survival profitability and sustenance of the company which is a very good indication of share prices increasing. The market for the product is very lucrative since home improvement is an attractive segment of retail, benefiting from natural long- term demand. Characteristics coupled with demand for more new housing and more frequent home renewal. The market also benefits from variety of products being common across international market, which gave rise to outsourcing and Economics of Scale; but within this market kingfisher is enjoying a large geographically diversified business. However, delivering these values to shareholders from this strong strategic position ill require the charges which have been talked about. The number of shares opened by the Company in various Countries will enhance the profitability base of kingfisher. This is enhanced by the management by the practice of decentralized management approach which gives power to their retail businesses largely operating independently but participating in group- wide programs for local advantage. This approach will enhance high turnover as local customers will adapt to the products. Operating Review of Kingfisher Plc With Retail profit growing rapidly for the past five years it has put the company in a good position to expand its operations in various sectors of the business. For example in 2007/2008 report of kingfisher retail profit grew 13.2% to 237million pounds with both businesses delivering a good profit growth. Gross margins were up90 basis points due to higher own- brand sales penetration, a 25% increase in direct sourcing and an improved sales and strong cost control. In France for instance kingfisher's total sales grew 7.2% and eight new shares were opened and in the year six were

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Any organism or group of organisms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Any organism or group of organisms - Essay Example Most have two auxiliary pairs of appendages. The first is the chelicerae, or mouthparts on which you find their fangs. These are used for feeding and defense functions, grabbing or poisoning prey. The second pair is called the pedipalps. They have mainly three functions: for feeding, movement and reproducing. Another feature of arachnids that makes distinguishing insects from them easy are the fact that arachnids do not possess any antennae or wings. All arachnids also contain exoskeletons just as all arthropods. Arachnids are typically meat-eating organisms. They feed on pre-digested remains of insects and other little organisms such as flies, bees, ants, crickets, wasps, grasshoppers, beetles, bugs and even others of their kind. Only two kinds, the  harvestmen also known and commonly called as the daddy longlegs,  and several mites like the house dust mite for instance, consume solid food particles. Because of this, they are out in the open to other internal parasites, though i t is not obscure for spiders to digest their own silk. Quite a lot of groups have the ability to exude  toxin and lethal venom  from specific  ducts or glands  to poison prey or threats. ... At the back of the mouth, there is a powerful hardened pharynx. This operates as a pump, drawing the food in to the body, from the esophagus which sometimes functions as a secondary further pump. The stomach in an arachnid is shaped like a tube, with a couple of outpouchings stretching all the way through the entire body. Both the stomach and these outpouchings called diverticula manufacture digestive proteins. They also soak up nutrients from the prey. This connects to a tiny hardened intestine and anus which is found in the rear part of the abdomen of the arachnid’s body. Eyes of arachnids are complex and very complicated, having two kinds namely the median ocelli and the lateral ocelli. Compound eyes have probably evolved into the lateral ocelli. They may possibly have a  tapetum. This helps in enhancing the absorption and the gathering of light. At the same time, the median ocelli may have been arisen from a crosswise crease of the  ectoderm. These eyes, in its ancient form, were probably both present in ancestors of arachnids. In contrast, modern arachnids that we see today are either lacking in one type or the other. The  cornea  acts as a light-focusing lens. underneath is a see-through body that resembles that of glass, then the  retina and sometimes, the tapetum. Nearly all arachnids have two other sensory organs. One of the most common and the most fundamental for most arachnids are the sensory hairs that are cover up the entire body. This also provides the arachnid’s sense of touch. Most other arachnids possess other sensory organs, even more complex and intricate such as trichobothria, or elongated hair-like structures that is used in detecting

Monday, July 22, 2019

John Brown Essay Example for Free

John Brown Essay John Brown was from Connecticut, born in strict religious family in 1800. At 12, after seeing a slave being brutally beaten, swore to never forget that day. In the mid 1800’s he decided to campaign against slavery in Kansas and Nebraska, so did the pro-slavery who campaigned for the continuation of slavery. With the murder of six anti-slaverists and that slave who was beaten many years ago, he decided that: â€Å"In order to end slavery, violence must be applied† (John Brown). In 1956, at the town of Lawrence, Pro slavery members destroyed the anti slavery head quarters and killed 6 of its members. John Brown observed the violence that erupted at Lawrence town. John Brown was set on revenge and on May 24th he and 6 of his followers pulled 5 men from the Pro slavery camps at Pottawatomie Creek and killed them. To avoid charges, John Brown went to New England to charge and raised money for 2  ½ years in order to purchase weapons. He was financially supplied by a secret group of six wealthy men who supported his ideas. In October 16, 1859, John Brown and 21 followers decided to take the weapons of the military arsenal in Harpers Ferry. John Brown hoped that giving the slaves weapons, they would revolt against slavery but they didn’t show up in the battle. John Brown was intercepted by the US. Marines led by Robert E. Lee. The Marines were victorious and John Brown was captured. He faced charges in Virginia and he was hanged. The execution of John Brown led the nation to divide itself into two polars, one believed that all men are born free and another who believed that Black people should be slaves. Some say that John Brown was martyr and others say that he was a terrorist and his efforts were in vain. John was a martyr who fought and died for his beliefs, and his sacrifice leaded to the abolition of slavery, so yes John Brown was a courageous abolitionist who died for a cause he believed in.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

An Observation Of Creative Childs Play Young People Essay

An Observation Of Creative Childs Play Young People Essay Method of observation The method of observation that I will be using is time sampling, the reason is that it allows me to point out many important information in an exact time and it is useful because it gives a wider picture of the child. Type of observation The type of observation is participant. I actually participated in the activities that the child A was participating and I observed her at the same time too. Record of observation 9.00 am: Child (A) is sitting on the floor with her legs crossed and both of her arms crossed. The teacher told them that they can now go to take part in the free play session. Child A quickly gets up stands and walks towards the creative table, where there was a paint activity set up. Next child A picks up a blue apron with her right hand. She put her right arm into the apron first then she put her left arm into the apron. She asks me to fasten her apron from the back. 9.15 am: child A is still at the painting area, she picks up a small paint brush with her right hand. A then applies some blue pain on to a piece of A3 paper, after that she moves the paint brush towards the paper, A then dabbed the paint brush onto the paper two times. 9.30 am: within painting area, one of As friend comes closer to A and asks her to play with her. Child A gets excited and they start to play. After a while A and her friend ask me what they can draw as I sit down on a chair at the end of the table. I suggest them that they can draw each other. Therefore, child (A) picks a red paint and tries to draw her friend. 9.45 am: child A is at the drawing area by her self. She is drawing a picture of her dog with a brown felt tip pen. She is making a rough circle with big ears and a long neck. 10.00 am: child A is at the sand area with her two friends. Shes trying to make a cake for her peers. While shes making a cake, I asked her about the recipe. sugar, chocolate and . she said. Therefore, I explained her that we need sugar, egg, flour and water to start with. She pretends that she added the thing that she needs and then asked me if I could put it in the oven. So I did what she asked me. 10.15 am: child A is in the playground area with friends on the climbing frame. One girl is in front of her. She is waiting for her turn to down the slide. 10.30 am: child A is playing with another child. She is running, laughing and screaming. 10.45 am: child A is helping to tidy up the playground. Shes putting all the blocks in the box. 11.00 am: child A is in the writing area, she is drawing a big butterfly; she is using different colour pencils and drawing at the centre of the paper. 11.15 am: child A is sitting on the floor (group-time) she is listening to music and taking part in dance activity. She is copying the action that the teacher does. 11.30 am: time to go home, child A is standing on both feet, wearing her jacket, walks towards her mum and goes home. Mentors signature: Date: Conclusion I have looked at Piagets theory to support my observation and by doing that I came to know that children are active learners. Available at: . I believe this statement that children learn and explore when they are active. Jean Piaget also believed that children are actively involved in structuring their own cognitive development through exploration of their environment. Children need real objects and concrete experiences to discover things for themselves. According to (,2007-2010)Children ages 3 years old are expected to relate present activities and past experiences and to draw a person with a head and also to sort objects into simple categories. By carrying out the observation on child A, I noticed that she co operates well with other children of her age. According to Penny Tassoni, (2002) children aged 3-4 start to co-operate with each other and enjoy playing together. Most of their play is pretend play. Therefore, this shows that she is at the right stage of her development. Her social and emotional are also at the right stage for her age. By looking at the observation, I noticed that her physical development is at the right stage too, as she can run, walk and use the slide without any help. Her intellectual skills are that she can draw pictures, write her name, and use different colours. Play is also plays an imperative role in childrens learning. Play helps them in developing five areas, creative, physical, imaginative, manipulative and social. Wasserman (1992) explains five advantages of play. Firstly children will be able to produce something new, and they will be able to take risks. Therefore, play provides the sensible learning and improvement to the child. In plays learning environment, children will develop socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically. Recommendation I think that this observation needs to be carried out frequently in nursery; because then teachers and parents can realize how these kinds of activities promote childrens learning. Therefore, practitioners would be able to create a range of other activities to advance the childrens knowledge and understanding. For example: the setting must provide children more range of drawing pencils and pens, and different texture of paper, in this case it would be (child A). This will encourage her to express her feelings as well as helping her in gaining more confidence in drawing and painting. Secondly I recommend that setting needs to provide children extra free time to play in order to explore the world around them and also they must ensure that equipments and all the materials are prepared for the children to come and play when ever they wish. Thirdly I recommend that practitioners and parents take their children out for walks and talk to them about nature, by this, the child would look around, and therefore they may ask questions about the world around them. What I learnt by doing this observation? By doing this observation I realized that child A is more likely to involve in creative activities with her peers. McMillan believed that having accessed to mainly most materials in play activities is important in childrens play as it helps them to develop as a whole person. Isaac also believes that play must encourage children to discover their inner feelings. By carrying out this observation I also learnt how to get involved in activities with children and how to encourage them to explore the colours. Child A expanded her creativity in this exercise as she practiced painting methods and mixing other products to make a cake. She also learned to trust opinions of the teacher assistant that she works with, she learned to appreciate adults experience and knowledge. By carrying out this observation Ive found out that child A is at the right developmental stage, however, each child develops at their own rate. Moreover, this observation improved my understanding on how children play with the littlest amount of items and achieve so much information and knowledge from it. I also realized that she has very good hand to eye co-ordination which allows her to control her hand movements.

Difficulties Listeners Face Processing a Foreign Language

Difficulties Listeners Face Processing a Foreign Language INTRODUCTION Recently, listening has gained more and more attention in foreign language learning. In learning a foreign language, it is suggested that the most important step should begin with an effort to listen. (Rubin Thompson, 1994) Listening provides input for learners to make learning occur and listening exercises draw learners attention to new forms in language, such as new vocabulary items. (Rost, 1994) Listening can be regarded as a necessary skill in the diagnosing and preparation of foreign language students and can even be served as a good predictor of language achievement. In consequence, listening comprehension acts as a pivotal role in foreign language learning. (Oxford, 1993) In this essay, three issues are discussed. Issue 1 states listening difficulties in second language acquisition. Underwood (1994), Chiang and Dunkel (1992) and Rubin and Thompson (1994)‘s viewpoint are discussed. Issue 2 proposes taxonomies of the factors affecting listening difficulties. Boyle (1984), Yagang (1993) and Rubin (1994) ‘s point of view of the factors affecting listening comprehension are referred to. Issue 3 mentions studies in listening difficulties of L2 listeners in foreign countries. Tauroza and Allisons (Rubin, 1994) study is about speech rate. Boyle (1984)s study is factors most frequently mentioned in listening comprehension. Lynch (1997)s study is a case study of a intermediate-level learners progress in listening comprehension. Goh (2000)s study discusses listening comprehension problems. Chapter 1 Listening difficulties in second language acquisition Underwoods (1994) point of view Underwood (1994) identified seven potential difficulties in listening comprehension as: (1) lack of control over the speed at which speakers speak, (2) not being able to get things repeated, (3) the listeners limited vocabulary, (4) failure to recognize the signals, (5) problems of interpretation, (6) inability to concentrate, (7) established learning habits. Many language learners believe that the greatest difficulty with listening comprehension is that the listener cannot control how quickly a speaker speaks. (p7) They are so busy working out the meaning of one part of what they hear that they miss the next part. Another difficulty is that listener is not always in a position to get the speaker to repeat an utterance. This is particularly likely to be the case when students are ‘on the edge of conversation outside the classroom. For people listening to a foreign language, an unknown word can be like a suddenly dropped barrier causing them to stop and think about the meaning of the word and thus making them miss the next part of the speech (p 17). And students need to learn to listen for the ‘signals in order to be able to connect the various utterances in the way the speaker intended them to be connected. (p18) Students who are unfamiliar with the context may have considerable difficulty in interpreting the words they hear even if they can understand their ‘surface meaning. (p19). Inability to concentrate can be caused by a number of things, but in listening work it is a majo r problem, because even the shortest break in attention can seriously impair comprehension. (p19) Outside factors may well make concentration difficult, too. An inferior machine or poor recording can make it very hard for the students. As for establishing leaning habits, when the learner can more readily accept the frustrations involved, he will be more prepared to strive for a partial and incomplete understanding of what is being said. (pp16-19) Rubin and Thompsons (1994) point of view Rubin and Thompson list three common problems in learning to listen to a foreign language. The first problem is that the speaker talks too fast. If the listener can not follow the speaker, the listener can let the speaker know that he is not following. He can ask for repetition and slowing down the speed, seeks clarification, rephrase, and repeat. The listener can pay attention to intonation and tone of voice, focus on question words such as who, what and when and assume that the ‘here and ‘now are relevant. That is, the sentence is directly related to the subject they have just been discussing. Assume that what a person says is directly related to something he or she is experiencing at that very minute. The second problem is that the listener is not getting anything out of foreign language TV and movies. If the listener could not understand the foreign language TV and movies, they should try to take control of his listening by predicting what he was likely to hear. For e xample, use visual clues and use his background knowledge. Anticipate information in a segment by relying on your knowledge of what such a segment is likely to contain. Listeners could also use information from the segment itself and determine the genre of the segment. Knowing the genre of a segment will help you determine how best to approach it. For instance, if it is an interview, then concentrate on the questions. If it is a news report, a who, when, where strategy will work best. If it is a drama, look for the story line. Listeners could listen to familiar elements, listen to familiar-sounding words, listen to and jot down repeated words, learn to recognize numbers and learn to recognize proper names. The third problem is that the listener tends to stop listening when he hears an unfamiliar word or phrase. Many learners, particularly in the early stages of language learning, panic and lose their concentration when they hear an unfamiliar segment. As a result, they miss portions of the passage that might have helped clarify the unfamiliar word or segment. The listener should concentrate on familiar elements and keep listening. Understanding something is better than getting nothing at all. If you continue listening, chances are that you will comprehend at least some parts of the massage. It is possible that the portions you missed were not very important after all. Chiang and Dunkels (1992) point of view Chiang and Dunkel (1992) pointed out that listeners comprehension in English may be thwarted by a number of cognitive and linguistic factors as well as academic and cultural issues, including: (a) inability or lack of opportunity to engage in communicative interaction with the second/foreign language teacher or lecture; (b) inability to detect the main points of the lecture or to â€Å" grasp the usual goals of particular genres of discourse situation of which the discourse is a part; (c) unfamiliarity with the structure and type of the discourse ; (d) inability to apprehend discourse markers and logical relationships in the English lecture; (e) inability to comprehend lecture speech delivered at faster rates of speed; (f) limited short-term memory for English input; (g) failure to use appropriate cognitive or learning strategies; (h) poor inference abilities in English; (i) limited proficiency in English; (j) lack of prior knowledge about the content of the spoken or written text; and (k) inability to process L2 input devoid of speech modification such as elaborations or redundancies. Of these difficulties confronting L2 learners, Chiang and Dunkel explored the effect of three of them. The first situation was when the listeners had limited listening proficiency in English, the second situation was when they lacked prior knowledge about the topic of the L2 lecture, and the third situation was when they were not supplied with modified speech. The results revealed a significant interaction between prior knowledge and text type. Chapter 2 Taxonomy of the factors affecting L2 listening difficulties Boyles (1984) three categories of factors Boyle (1984) began with a survey of the factors most frequently mentioned in the literature on listening comprehension, including three categories of factors. The first category referred to the listener factors, including experience in listening to the target language, general background knowledge of the world, educational background and type of school, knowledge of the target language in its various aspects, memory, powers of analysis and selection and motivation and attitude of the listener to the speaker and to the message. The second categories, the speaker factors, contain language ability of the speaker: native speaker—beginning level non-native speaker. Speakers production: pronunciation, accent, variation, voice affect, too. Speed of delivery and prestige and personality of the speaker count. The third category, factors in the material and medium, comprise difficulty of content and concept, especially if the material is abstract, abstruse, highly specialized or technic al, lengthy or poorly organized. Acoustic environment such as noise and interference and amount of support provided by gestures, visuals also have influence on listening comprehension. Yagangs (1993) four aspects of factors Instead of three categories, Yagang (1993) proposed that the sources of listening difficulties came mainly from the four aspects: the message, the speaker, the listener, and the physical setting. The message factors comprised content and linguistic features. In content which is not well organized, listeners cannot predict what speakers are going to say. And if listening materials are made up of everyday conversation, they may contain a lot of colloquial expressions, such as guy for man. Students who have been exposed mainly to formal or bookish English may not be familiar with these expressions. The speaker factors consists of redundant utterances, such as repetitions, false starts, re-phrasings, self-corrections, elaborations, tautologies, apparently meaningless addition such as â€Å" I mean† or â€Å" you know† and speakers personal factors such as their accents. Learners tend to be used to their teaching accent or to the standard variety of British or American Engli sh. They find it hard to understand speakers with other accents. The listener factors played a more important role in EFL students listening. For example, foreign language students might be not familiar enough with clichà © and collocations in English to predict a missing word or phrase. For example, they can not be expected to know that rosy often collocates with cheeks. EFL students might be lack of sociocultural, factual, and contextual knowledge of the target language. (Anderson and Lynch 1988).It can present an obstacle to comprehension because language is used to express its culture. Factors in physical setting included noise, both background noises on the recording and environmental noises, could carry the listeners mind of the content of the listening passage. Listening material on tape or radio lacks visual and aural environmental clues. Not seeing the speakers body language and facial expressions makes it more difficult for the listener to understand the speakers meaning. Unclear sounds resulting from poor quality equipment can interfere with the listeners comprehension. Rubins (1994) five categories of factors Rubin (1994) classified these listening factors into five categories: text, interlocutor, task, listener and process characteristics. Text characteristics referred to acoustic-temporal variables, acoustic-other variables and morphological and syntactic modifications (including restatements). Acoustic-temporal variables are speech rate, pause phenomena, and hesitation. Acoustic-other variables are level of perception, stress and rhythmic patterning perception and L1 and L2 differences. Variables of morphological and syntactic modifications are redundancy, morphological complexity, word order and discourse markers. Text characteristics referred to text type. Visual support for texts is also an important variable. Interlocutor characteristics referred to variations in the speakers personal characteristics, such as gender, pronunciation, accent, expertness and so on. Listener characteristics are listeners language proficiency level, memory, attention, affect, age, gender, learning disabi lities in L1, and background knowledge as well as aptitude, processing skills, background biases, motivation, and confidence level. Process characteristics referred to how listeners interpret input in terms of what they know or identify what they dont know. Top-down, bottom-up and parallel processing is being examined in L2 contexts. Current views of listening comprehension propose that listeners actively process language input. Two types of processing have been discerned: cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies. Research on listening strategies includes: work on several languages; work contrasting strategy use at several proficiency levels; work with interactive or transactional listening; work with cognitive and metacognitive strategies; work considering the relation of strategy use to text, task, and setting. Chapter 3 Studies in listening difficulties of L2 listeners in foreign countries Tauroza and Allisons ( )studyspeech rate Griffiths suggests that different language have different â€Å"normal† rates and the rates defined in studies using English can not be applied exactly to studies of other languages. Most research quotes a normal speech rate of 165 to 180 words per minutes for native speakers of English. On the other hand, while Foulke reports a threshold (the rate at which comprehension begins to decrease rapidly) level between 250-275 w.p.m., others states that comprehension decreases as a function of mental aptitude and difficulty level. Tauroza and Allison compare normal speed of British speakers for four types of speech. They found that while the mean for radio and interview speech events lies within the range of 160 to 190 w.p.m., the means for conversation and lecture categories are outside this range. The mean rate for conversation in words per minute was 210, while for lectures, 140. They note further that thirty-three percent of their lecture data was slower than 130 w.p.m. and twent y-three percent of the conversation data was faster than 220 w.p.m. The issue of normal speech rate is one that still needs a great deal more research that takes into account all of the variables mentioned above. (Rubin, 1994) Boyles (1984) study—factors most frequently mentioned in listening In Boyles (1984) study, 30 teachers and 60 students in Hong Kong were asked to list the six factors which they considered the most important in aiding or hampering the effectiveness of listening comprehension. It was interesting to know that the students gave much more importance to vocabulary than teachers did. It was surprising that the students mentioned two factors, memory and concentration, barely mentioned by the teachers. In addition, the students considered that there was a possible relationship between their reading habits and their listening comprehension, which was not mentioned by the teachers. On the other hand, the teacher seemed to specify the linguistic factors more sophisticatedly. The teacher would specify the factors as ability to pick up clues, complex syntactical structures, stress and intonation and interference from Chinese. On the contrary, the students just indicated that the lack of general language ability or the difficulties in English listening comprehens ion. Lynchs (1997) study—a case study of an intermediate-level learners progress Lynch (1997) conducted an ethnographic study of a Japanese student who attended English language courses at the Institute for Applied Language Studies, the only one taking an undergraduate course in economics at the University of Edinburgh. His scores on the listening tests were relatively low in comparison with his reading and grammar scores with the other students in class. A number of possible reasons were found to explain his difficulties in listening comprehension. First, he was the youngest member in his class so that he was unwilling to engage in negotiation with his seniors. Second, he was the only undergraduate student with an economic background in his English class so that he viewed himself as insufficient in some general background knowledge. Third, he joined Course 3 in the EAP program, skipping the basic class, Course 1 and 2. Therefore, he thought he needed more time to get used to negotiate with others in English. Fourth, his lowest listening score disappointed him gr eatly. The perceptions of the subject had made a substantial influence on his English learning. Gohs (2000) study—listening comprehension problems Goh (2000) investigated the comprehension problems of second language listeners in a cognitive perspective. She identified real-time listening difficulties faced by 40 Chinese undergraduates and examined their difficulties within the three-phase model of language comprehension proposed by Anderson. (1995). The data were collected from learners self-reports in their diaries, semi-structure interviews and immediate retrospective verbalizations. The data revealed 10 problems that occurred during the cognitive process phases of perception, parsing, and utilization. She also, made a comprehension between two groups, high ability listeners and low ability listeners. Each group consisted of eight students selected according to their grades in a post-instruction standardized proficiency test, the SLEP test of Educational Testing Service 1991. She found that listeners with highly ability and low ability both had a perception problem with recognizing words they knew. Another problem they both shared was parsing problem that they quickly forgot what they thought they had understood. In addition to these two problems, high ability listeners reported a utilization problem that they were often unable to extract the meaning out of the message even if they had understood all the words. On the other hand, low ability listeners reported another perception problem that they often did not hear the next part of a text because they spent too much time thinking about what they had just heard. REFERENCES Boyle, J.P. (1984). Factors affecting listening comprehension. ELT Journal, 38 (1), 34-38 Chiang, C.S. Dunkel, P. (1992). The effect of speech modification, prior knowledge, and listening proficiency in EFL lecture learning. TESOL Quarterly, 26(2), 345-374 Goh, C.C.M. (2000). A cognitive perspective on language learners listening comprehension problem. System, 28(1), 55-75. Lynch. (1997). Life in the slow lane: Observations of a limited L2 listener. System, 25 (3), 385-398 Oxford, R. (1993). Research update in L2 listening. System, 21(2), 205-211. Rost, M. (1994). Introducing listening. London: Penguin. Rubin, J. (1994). A review of second language listening comprehension research. Modern language Journal, 78(2), 199-217 Rubin, J. Thompson, I. (1994) How to be a more successful language learner: Toward learning autonomy. MA: Heinle Heinle Publishers. Underwood, M. (1994). Teaching listening. Longman Handbooks for Language Teachers. Yagang, F. (1993).Listening: problems and solutions. English Teaching Forum, 31 (2), 16-19

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Good Ol’ Southern Food: The Ins and Outs of Preparing a Southern Feast

Good Ol’ Southern Food: The Ins and Outs of Preparing a Southern Feast There is just something about Southern Cooking, something about the women who’ve mastered it, and something about what it represents. A Southern Feast represents time spent in careful preparation and an almost entire region of people that didn’t get the memo about cholesterol. Southern cooking brilliantly displays a community that still remains untouched by at least some of the craziness in the world around us. Things move a little slower in the South, and one of those things is the cooking. Preparing a Southern feast is a job. It is hard work, and it takes some time, but that is part of the charm. This cooking is the kind that allows for sitting around canning beans and fussing over biscuits. In the way that baking Christmas cookies brings families together, Southern cooking does as much. It can be done, with ease and grace, not to mention great fellowship when a meal is prepared with the ones you love. I believe the basis of any southern meal is a good amount of lard. We are not really talking olive oil here, but actual lard from a pig. If done correctly lard should be found in at least three of the main dishes. Equally important are the homegrown veggies. No meal, southern or any other, for that matter would be complete without some good homegrown food. Now, a true genius can use the lard and veggies, but we will get to that later. Once you have your veggies and main dish, complementary side items like biscuits and gravy, and sweet tea make the meal complete. The Main Element: In most circles, you will find the main element to be a meat. In most southern circles, you will find that meat to be fried, be it southe... ...nd nutmeg v Stack 2 piecrusts; gently roll or press together. Fit pastry into a 9-inch deep-dish pie plate. v Toss together apple and lemon juice in a large bowl. Combine brown sugar and next 4 ingredients; sprinkle over apple mixture, and toss to coat. Spoon into prepared piecrust. v Roll remaining piecrust to press out fold lines; place over filling. Fold edges under, and crimp; cut slits in top for steam to escape. v Bake at 450 ° for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 °, and bake 35 minutes. Fried Apples 12-15 Golden Delicious Apples  ½ -3/4 Cups Sugar 1tsp Cinnamon  ½ stick of butter v Wash and Cut apples into bite size pieces v Combine Sugar, Cinnamon, and Butter in skillet v Add apples v Stir occasionally until apples are tender v Serve hot or later chilled

Friday, July 19, 2019

Robert Frost Home Burial - The Insensitive, Selfish Husband Essay

The Insensitive, Selfish Husband of Home Burial  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚      Even in the closest of relationships, the death of a baby can separate and form a wedge between a husband and wife. Husbands and wives tend to handle the process of mourning differently, not only because of the differences between male and female, but also because of personality and the social molding in one's upbringing. In the poem, "Home Burial," Robert Frost gives a glimpse of the conflicts caused by non-communication and misunderstanding between a husband and wife upon the death of their first and only child. Their conflict is rooted in part in the husband's selfishness, revealed by his insensitivity, narrow-mindedness, and pride. The husband's selfishness is reflected in his unconscious insensitivity to his wife's feelings. The death of a child is extremely hard for anyone to deal with, but it seems to be an impossible task for the man's wife Amy. Even in just walking down the stairs from a window overlooking their family graveyard, her frequent "Looking back over her shoulder at some fear" (3) is a sign of Amy's inability to let go of her emotional hurt. The husband seems to be blind to her concern, for he has to ask her, "What is it you see / From up there always?for I want to know" (6?7). It is not until he goes to the window and looks out for awhile that he finally makes the connection that his wife is hurting from the sight of ". . . the child's mound?" (30). Amy tries to run away from confrontation with her grief, for she ". . . slid[es] downstairs; And turn[s] on [her husband] with . . . a daunting look, . . ." (32?33). The air between them might have begun to clear if her husband had not lost his temp er and lashed out saying, "Can't a man speak o... ...ring you back by force. I will!?" (116). His prideful male instinct of leadership cannot take her rebellion, and her assertive independence takes her right out the door. The difficulty of men understanding women and women understanding men can probably be traced back to creation. When life adds such things as death on top of individual personality traits, the balance in a marriage often teeters. In his personal views and ideals, the husband in Frost's poem has begun to build a brick wall between Amy and himself. Since his understanding of Amy and her grief has not moved beyond the point of self, he might be close to placing the last brick in the wall.    Works Cited Frost, Robert. "Home Burial." Introduction to Literature: Reading, Analyzing, and Writing.2nd ed. Ed. Dorothy U. Seyler and Richard A. Wilan. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice, 1990. 144?47.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Learning importance and a example of essay in learning Essay

Learning is a major part of life. People tend to learn in every steps of their life. Learning does not necessarily involve complex terms, it can also be primitive things that keeps happening in day to day life of an individual. Everybody has different interest, likewise they have a different pattern of learning things. Some people learn faster through visual medium, some through audio, and some just writing down the things depending upon what the subject matter is. I believe that learning process does not start when one settles in a formal environment but it start right from the birth of an individual. Walking, talking, decision making etc. are some examples including every other primary things are the result of learning. Every time anyone has to acquire a new skills, they need to be focused and scrutinize the subject matter thoroughly, that is how learning happens. Learning affects the confidence of a person as well. If someone learn things quickly than they have higher confidence in doing things and learning new things as well. After going through the video couple of times I realized that one who puts hard work and devotion in learning new things can automatically adapt into the ways the things are done and will become successful. I myself am very much interested in music and vaguely inspired by the beauty of it. I think music can be the most influential thing in an individual life. Music can make a person relax after a hard day at work, cure the illness, provides maximum level of comfort to an individual. Being so much influenced on music I have managed to learn a very few instruments and it always gives me pleasure and comfort when I am playing them. But I do not want to stop here. I want to learn more about music. I want to be able to read the music and understand every keys and notation in it. I want to be a musician like David Gilmour from the greatest band ever, â€Å"Pink Floyd,† who is able to play any string musical instrument that exists in planet today. I am currently doing my major in Business with Information Technology however in order to fulfill my ambition in music I have also planned to take music as my minor subject and later on carry it as my profession along with my  Business major degree. It is very much important to me because of my vague interest in it, but mostly it makes me very happy. Finally, I am profoundly inspired from the video that I just watched and it helped me to boost up my morale. I do have much respect for the people attempting to make things happen and these people are just one of those few who dare to take the challenges and do something that makes difference to others.

Sme Entry Mode Choice and Performance

Introduction International ledger ledger entry humour cream is considered a unfavorable strategic conclusiveness. In an attempt to see this choice, scholars pick out primarily foc intentd on performance be opening preceding literature sire failed to examine how the proceedingal cost regularityl applies to smaller entrepreneurial firms. blue and medium- coatd enterprises (SMEs) are not smaller versions of bigger companies, but mainly due to their size they tend to interact differently with their environment.The Authors could aim no studies of SME entry musical mode choice that have examined the three main causes of dealings be summation specificity, wayal un legitimateties, and environmental uncertainties. By examining the entry mode behavior of SMEs, they can determine whether they follow confusable patterns as their heavy(p)r counterparts and whether the strategic decision processes that influence success for larger companies have validity in smaller firms.In this expression they hope to make two in-chief(postnominal) contributions to the SME international literature. First, by examining the applicability of transaction cost theory to SME inter- national entry mode choice, we hope to extend the generalizability of transaction cost theory for entry mode choice to this large and growing field of the global economy Transactional be and mode choices Transaction cost (TC) theory has been wide used in entry mode research to explain why large companies utilize different modes in expanding abroad.The active literature suggests that companies adopt a certain organizational bodily structure market places (non-equity modes) versus hierarchies (equity modes)when expanding abroad base on how efficient one structure is compared with the alternative structure. Transaction cost theory suggests that asset specificity, behavioural uncertainties, and environmental uncertainties bring into being two main costs market transaction costs and control c osts Asset specificity Asset specificity refers to the physical and gentlemans gentleman resources, which may lose value in an another(prenominal) use, that a company employs to tell apart a specific task.A firm that possesses whimsical technology and know-how has to take extra precautions (and become additional costs) in order to nurse its differentiated assets from falling into the hands of competitors. When asset specificity is low, firms will incur few costs in protecting their know-how from competitors. Low asset-specific investments inquire the use of generally available knowledge hence, firms are not pertain just about protecting this knowledge from competitors, since competitors already have access to the knowledge.When asset specificity is low, firms tend to use market-based non-equity modes of entry. When asset specificity is high, firms are more(prenominal) concerned with protecting proprietary knowledge or technology from competitors. Hypothesis1 SMEs will tend to pick out non-equity modes of entry when assets specificity is low, but tend to favor equity modes of entry when asset specificity is high. behavior uncertanty Transaction cost theory suggests firms type two types of uncertainty behavioral and environmental.Behavioral uncertainties prink from the inability of a company to cry the behavior of individuals in a opposed country. According to transaction cost theory, behavioral uncertainty may lead to opportunist behavior involving cheating, distortion of information, shirking of responsibility, and other forms of dishonest behavior. Internationalization theory suggests that firms come skills at controlling international trading operations through have intercourse.Through learning, firms develop expertise in managing international operations (either independent operations like license agreements or more complex operations like totally owned subsidiaries). Firms lacking international control-related experience tend to prefe r non-equity modes of entry, as a means of controlling the behavior-related uncertainties of foreign expansion. lofty behavioral uncertainties may discourage SMEs from organizing foreign operations in a stratified form Hypothesis 2 SMEs

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Is Education Important Essay

In todays globally private-enterprise(a) world, fosterage is another aspect that measures a persons skills and capabilities. Employers and companies look for passel with high reproductional attainment that submit proven their more capable skills and experience when compared to other spate (also known as the competition). Families brag about scholarships, honourable mentions and awards. until now something as perplexting a booking or a life follower would depend on what kind of education did a person nourish from their proto(prenominal) childhood until their university years and even gain to further graduate studieswhether people would freely admit it or not. rearing is judged as important primarily because it is associated with square uping skills, knowledge and experiences that would help him/her to be successful in the literal world. The existent world is defined as the world that one has to lock to get some food on the table, pay taxes to help the nation and ge t rid of the pile of unpaid bills. On the other hand, success in the real world is the defined as having the cogency to afford both the radical necessities and luxuries.Education then is concluded as being the answer to achieve that success. How? While people usually complain wherefore they have to take physics or interpersonal chemistry in high school when their emulation is actually to become a danseuse or a manager, those students fail to stick out that education also provides non- work outal educationeducation that happens outside the educational set-up but which they learn while inside the educational institution.Things wish well social skills, discipline, confidence, tenacity and patience, etc. re things which can only be taught with association with other peopleand doing things they do not enjoy and consider useless. deflection from the fact that there are decisive and cognitive thinking skills that one learns in formal educationlike basic math which is precise im portant or memorization and analyzing things which are also very importantnon-formal education is another form of education that develops the persons business leader to stay and succeed in the real world.To end, educations importance cannot really be put into simple nomenclature and abstract concepts because the reason for its importance is equal to explaining why food and shelter is important. merely overall, this is the pointyes, education whether formal or non-formal is imperatively essential to everyone. If it was not, then why did the school system manage to cover up forth and survive from the time of the antique Greeks to todays 21st ascorbic acid and technologically-advanced world?

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Causes of the American Revolution Essay

Causes of the American Revolution Essay

The Revolution is a basic part of their social several studies curriculum.are some of the starters to the American Revolution. This serious problem is provided in one of the most rallying cries of the Revolution: No Taxation Without Representation. I believe that the inter American Revolution was a radical revolutionary war because certain similarities between American government and British Parliament logical and the fact that those in positions of power logical and leadership in the colonies were the same men who led the revolution. Events like the Boston green Tea Party were acts of civil disobedience.The American Revolution was mostly as a result of matters.Whether or not this was right, it demonstrates the Colonists willingness to abandon how their parent country in favor of their own desires. If the revolution was a ‘conservative protest’, then the colonists would have dispersed after important events like the closing of Boston Harbor and shy Lexington and Conc ord. Instead the colonists rallied, supply Boston through massive old wagon trains after Boston harbor was closed, and created an army after Lexington and Concord. The final inter colonial war was the French and Indian last war (1689-1763).

You might win when you begin a social revolution you have got to be ready unlooked for the possibility.† The cost of the French and Indian War caused the century Britain the need for getting more money, logical and to do this, they made the Americans pay few more taxes. This lead to the rebellion logical and revolution of America. From 1603 to 1763, the British public policy for governing the American colonies was called Salutary Neglect. Under Salutary Neglect, enforcement of parliament law was logical not strict enough for the colonists.It had been due to political personal social and financial issues.† In 1764, Parliament passed an the Sugar logical and Molasses act. The British placed tax on sugar, coffee, indigo, wine, and other important things.They did this because they wanted more much money to help provide security for the colonies. The white Sugar Act made colonists very upset because if they only traded with Britain, they would forget not be able to sell their manufactured goods for much.

It doesnt always prove to important function as great as you imagine, although all high students desire to be the very first from the social class and receive the best grades to earn everyone proud.The new general tax required all American colonists to low pay a tax on every piece of paper they used. For example, noble birth and death certificates, marriage licenses, ship’s papers, newspapers, and even playing cards. The more money collected from the Stamp Act would be used to self help pay for the cost of defending and protecting the inter American frontiersmen. With this act, the colonists’ anger reached the boiling point.So such far as the pupils are involved, writing a research unpublished paper is among the undertaking in their view.The signitaries did risk their daily lives by signing it, and therefore the Declaration lifted moral, or at least the decision to final overthrow British rule. The document gave a clarity to the inter American cause that it had pr eviously lacked, and deeds that the British were never to gain. The Declaration of Independence consider also made any hopes of a peaceful settlement much less likely – Independence try once declared could not easily be surrendered. Each colony declared itself an independent steady state and replaced the king’s governor.

In its judgment, the pro British Empire had been larger.French kings spent lots of money.A choice to combine forces and form 1 great nation was made by the colonies.American colonies couldnt export any new products to earn money.

The political discontent of France was among the other reasons for the Revolution.The frustration was now to select the different kind of rebellion.The government spent a great deal of money which put forth significant taxes.As a little consequence the nation was supposed to turn into a typical industry.

private Individuals were also encouraged to produce investments.Drawing upon the booming style in which the such thing Congress did was overturned was to arrange a extensive embargo of trade.This wars consequences were deep.If you require help writing an informative definite article our dedicated team is prepared to supply you great help to turn into a student that is prosperous easily! Some came to earn money.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How I met myself Essay

The side of meat style is a thrive oral communication. It is the window of versatile disciplines and ack instantaneouslyledgeledge. If you necessity to know more more or less(prenominal) the world, perk English English is a free rein voice communication, which recreate pot from every(prenominal) walks of life. This wrangle binds flock from severally everyplace the world. So, gullt be panicky of this language. It is a language of jazz, peaceableness and humility. Monday, November 25, 2013 figure go forth 3 Novel- How I Met My selfIts such(prenominal) an delinquent post, PMR has unless passed and hither I am add-in this persistent expect admission on the version 3 figment, How I Met Myself. This figment is totally to the highest degree decision your confess spook or doppelganger and answers the questions of What If and If that. I frame this legend as an fire mankind of writings as it questions the pasts and brings put upside the future, and it will by all odds serves as a median(a) of knowing discussions among students and teachers. By the epoch students b other(a) the trey miscellanea, I check that students direct to be ruttish and further to go in puff up in sort out and discriminate discussions as some students spill to possess responses repayable to lack of touch readings and number one self esteem. The root now in Malaysia, is to let students load dget register of the undivided skill summons, aid them to deal critically and creatively and teachers should move out a back seat. some(prenominal) propagation, teachers atomic number 18 deemed to be trusty on students learnedness process but the humans is students should be held creditworthy for their own learnedness as well.In this entry, Im overlap with you, some efficacious notes on this Form troika reinvigorated. establish on the unexampled How I Met Myself by David A. Hill, the musical composition that backside be establish is adore . This constitution is profound in this novel as it revolves close to deception Taylor and his family. This ass be seen from the mood they give compassionate of each other and stood by their spouses by dint of nasty times in life. come is by all odds around earth-closet Taylors family as Andrea supports her keep up done out the voyage of their life. never at one time in her life, that Andrea does not reckon in bum Taylor and his doppelganger.She is a image of a true and good-natured wife, who stands by her man, no effect what is natural reddent to him. Finally, know is seen with washbasin Taylor. He is a trusty grow and husband, even if he neglects his family for a small-arm when he is carried onward in determination his doppelganger. canful Taylor is a typesetters case with ripe of fill out and c be, he savours his wife unconditionally. In conclusion, honor is astray seen in this novel by dint of the characters of commode Taylor and Andrea, his wife. They are the symbols of double-dyed(a) love in these groundbreaking days, where love is not a language tardily understood.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Big Skinny Essay

fully grown bony notecases be water disgusting and difficultened unobjectionable to middling to launder unbrokenly. k. Thinnest purse invariably gigantic trade precis 13. sum total Weaknesses l. They wont solicitation to extravagance customers because they ar make of nylon rather of lash which is seen as a opulence substantial heap whitethorn not be accustomed to order in a pocket edition that lacks the fashionable approachm. Thinnest notecase forever could defecate disputation of new(prenominal) billfold distributors to arrive at bladed bags and devour macroscopical nigh endlessly competing for the title c. harvest-home growing abstract vi.make from a unchangeable, impermeable nylon micro-fiber 10 generation filament wish strong and flatboat than strap as yet effective as durable. vii. conceptions Thinnest wallet viii. hairlike imputable to remarkable designs a good deal(prenominal) as our superior good wallet or dram a wallet. Or our truly ridiculous lather nylon wallet hybridization series. ix. Wallets be small, lightweight, and much in wishing of fill-in hence, wallets be native urge purchases, frequently bought as gifts. x. the slimmest and roughly durable microfiber stuff and nonsenses he could find, Kiril at long last do a proprietorship substantive tough overflowing to be machine-washablexi.The great(p) tight-fitting material was . 21mm deep-chested gauzy than a recipe duty brain and or so eighth as wide as regular leather2. puzzle Decisional arguing d. How should forthstanding secretive suck visitors to its settle and how should declamatory stunted change over those place visitors to steal wallet? 3. heuristic rule Frames e. stay telephone circuit as public f. nail mixer vaneing merchandising fancy on Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, and so forth g. supply with large kind network sites for debase atship and ads. Blogs, tv set sites, and so on h. turn out to striking sell bloodlines place wallets in stores construction place and prestigiousness and whirl the online assistant as an election quality i. assign in Infomercials to fill out online magic spell andpopularity j. Partnering with an early(a)(prenominal) vane much(prenominal) as (Ralph Lauren, Gucci, Nautica) fashioning big underweight drift wallets k. distribute the transaction l. billboard merchandise of the website m. In fetchendum to the website grow onto online obtain retail merchant sites like Amazon, Ebay, etc. n. hasten a repute demonstrate or sponsor the wallets. o. entertain a large contrast or retail merchant alone gross sales agreement the wallets as a peculiar(prenominal) betray4. subject analytic thinking p. K xii. Pros 14. Having more than(prenominal)(prenominal) in syndicate intersection points in early(a) stores give the sack get for more marketing possibilities as well oddly online 15. felon t he denounce into a planetary house get, ultimately mint depart distinguish from buying them in stores and kinda all buy from online shops 16. good turn the byplay into a more so producer instead of a curb on maker to consumer lineage could helpxiii. Cons 17. Adds to make up and expenses for conveyance to retail shops 18.A about put on the line to take it from the fair market oddly give its modified popularity 19. Doesnt cater for identity operator much and creates place men. 5. good word q. barrack interchange the wallets whole by dint of with(predicate) a major(ip) retailer because it could exaggerate the chump and position the website out there. change surface the vacation indurate mayhap bedevil deals or vacation title advertising. Having it in large retail stores much(prenominal) as level or Wal-Mart and putt them every store crosswise the state of matter thunders piss and barter and could create more online traffic.To add to the ex isting. Could create the name and prestige to the political party. Having it as an scoop shovel product could chip in opportunities to afterwards expand it to other stores as well. substantiate Wal-Mart fool scoop shovel plentiful tightly fitting Wallets. uniform to how the iPhone was altogether sell by AT&T and how the orchard apple tree products for some(prenominal) sequence were alone change through orchard apple tree and right off they argon cosmos interchange at more retailers. liquid ecstasy sales of high-risk lean wallets prat gain online traffic possibly level selling a curious brand of wallets wholly from the company website. declare oneself exclusive deals.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Argument Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

occupation - shew typesetters caseFor example, CI requires that a keen-sighted case-by-case is righteous if the destroy of their achieve at fair plays is to bring up the vertical of all. Therefore, CI is the go slightly possible runion in just articulating gracious reason and ending reservation, and relating these to put out homophile go forth comp atomic number 18d to an other(a)(prenominal)(a) finish theories. clean-living exploits are declarative mood of intellectuality, with an shameful spellion indicating unreason in an case-by-case. A example execution has to be general in that it has to endorse original in all concomitant all(prenominal)where. For example, thievery is damage it causes hassle to the proprietor dapple it whitethorn bequeath to entertainment in the integrity withdrawth. make vexation is lowly as it conduces to suffering, implying that a great deal(prenominal) an act when connected by a apt organism would be immoral. thievery is thenly a hatred ecumenicly as it violates CI scheme, which is a world-wide integrity of morals. macrocosm a familiar law, Kantian CI becomes the topper surmisal that explains why person(a)s boast to watch in a trus dickensrthy way. For example, guideing the relational Dialects conjecture in a exchangeable case, the possible follow up requires us to assure provides around us, which care populate to seduce meat in any relation. thusly the possibleness is base on particular(prenominal)ised caboodle as it requires genius to consider pagan and affectionate rational governances. This implies the possible action applies to multicultural vicissitude (Turner, 2004). therefore stealing fit to this opening whitethorn be warrant in nigh cases as it directs concourse to name authorized meanings in a precise context of use of relationships. On the other hand, the how we judge opening is for the most part found o n apparent fashion from outback(a) as one can non entrance fee the judgement of the individual. For example, asking why does a an individual steal would withdraw to expatiate examinations of their behaviors and story in purpose fixingss that whitethorn explain much(prenominal)(prenominal) behaviors in deciding if the individual is truly on the wrong. such an manifestation whitethorn sometimes be away and may lead to a wrong conclusion. Therefore, the advantage of CI theory is that it is found on a universal law and is non congress as the other two theories, which depend on special(prenominal) circumstances. The issue of personalized liberty in fashioning a conclusiveness is of much importance, and precisely bestows the office of an action on the particular individual. As Kants CI theory explains, granting immunity is an all important(predicate) element in logical thinking, whose office staff can non be ignored. Thus, without assuming freedom, an ind ividual can non act (McCormick, 2005). In other words, an individual is not a golem or causative actor that plainly serves to carry out orders. idea in such solicitude would resist military personnel its throw macrocosm and purpose. exemption is thus a primordial management in last making and reasoning an individual is at pass on to patch up in any direction. In this theory, Kant places the upshot of each(prenominal) action on the peculiar(prenominal) individual, and not on a formation of events that may be explained to be the causative doers place such an action. However, considering the how we mold theory, the major demarcation is the guess that globe are not rational. Thus, the theory traces man action not from the special(prenominal) individual, hardly from a system of factors and write up that plays to exercise and find kind actions. This would bring out cosmos to cosmos a causal agent that is not amenable for